Wedding Checklist

Soon afterwards announcement your wedding

o Prepare a wedding account and if accordant altercate it with who is paying.

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o Prepare a acting bedfellow list.

o Decide aloft a date for your wedding commemoration and reception. Confirm the dates with the called area and officials.

o Determine what appoint accessories and accessories may be required.

o Check with adapted authorities if you charge to book photo venues such as parks and gardens.

o Decide the admeasurement of your wedding party.

o Nominate your Matron of Honour and best man.

o activate the chase for your wedding dress and those of the conjugal party.

o Identify acceptable photographers and videographers. Be abiding to appearance their accomplished works and book your photographers and videographers early.

o Decide aloft invitations.

o Book the ball for your wedding including jukebox

o Book your wedding cars / vehicles.

o Research accessible amusement destinations.

o Research Florists

o Research hairdressers and accomplish up artists. Book already you accept activate acceptable providers

o Consider wedding insurance.

Six months afore wedding

o Choose your wedding dress, and conjugal party.

o Choose apparel for benedict and groomsmen.

o Order wedding rings.

o Book your honeymoon. If adapted ensure your passports are valid.

o Review bedfellow list.

o Register your allowance account at a conjugal Registry.

o Complete an "Intention to Marry" anatomy which your celebrant or abbey can abetment with.

o Finalize bedfellow numbers. Order invitations, abode cards, acknowledge You cards and Wedding.

o Keep a account of ability accustomed and who they are from. Ensure you accelerate acknowledge you addendum aural 2 weeks of accepting the gift.

o All amusement biking should be booked.

o Consider dancing lessons

Two months afore your wedding day

o Ensure all wedding invitations accept been sent. Maintain a account of acceptances.

o align for Dress accessories for the wedding dress and bridesmaids.

o Shop for wedding shoes and activate to abrasion them in

o Confirm grooms apparel accept been booked.

o All pre-wedding parties should be planned including wedding shower, hen's night, bucks night etc.

o Book in wedding night accommodation.

o Contact your florist and baddest flowers.

o Choose your Master of Ceremonies.

4 weeks afore the wedding day

o align for final accessories of your dress.

o Trial runs for beard and accomplish up.

o Draw up the accession basement plan.

o Hold pre-wedding parties.

o Organize 'Thank You' ability for conjugal party

o accomplish any final payments for venues, cars, amusement etc

o If traveling across for your honeymoon, align traveler's cheques, adopted currency, acclaim cards and travelers insurance

o Invite bodies you would like to accomplish speeches at the reception.

1 anniversary afore wedding day

o Confirm everything.

o Pick up the wedding dress, grooms clothing and ensure the bridesmaids and groomsmen accept theirs

o accept a call of the ceremony.

o Pack for your honeymoon.

o It is a acceptable abstraction to accept an 'emergency' kit prepared. This may accommodate Band Aids, a hanky, additional lipstick, additional pantyhose, etc.

o Collect amusement tickets and reconfirm flights.

The Wedding Day

o Get a acceptable night beddy-bye afore the wedding.

o Eat a acceptable breakfast, you may acquisition the day rushes by.

o Meet bridesmaids at the hairdressers and accomplish up artist.

o Remember wedding rings and alliance license

o accept a abundant wedding.

Wedding Checklist

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